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French President Emmanuel Macron Dissolves National Assembly After Coalition Suffers Heavy Losses In European Elections

French President Emmanuel Macron Dissolves National Assembly after Coalition Suffers Heavy Losses in European Elections

Macron's losses in the recent election signal major shifts in the French political landscape.

In a move that has shaken the French political establishment, President Emmanuel Macron has announced that he will dissolve the National Assembly after his coalition suffered heavy losses in the European Parliament elections.

Key Points:

  • Macron's alliance, La République En Marche (LREM), lost ground to the far-right Rassemblement National (RN).
  • RN, led by Marine Le Pen, emerged as the frontrunner in the European elections, with 24.9% of the vote.
  • LREM came in second with 22.4% of the vote, followed by the left-wing La France Insoumise (LFI) with 6.3%.

The election results have dealt a major blow to Macron's authority and raised questions about his ability to govern effectively in the future.

Macron's Response

Macron responded to the election defeat by announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly and calling for new parliamentary elections.

In a televised address to the nation, Macron acknowledged the "significant setback" for his party but vowed to "respect the will of the French people." He added that he would seek a "new majority" in parliament to "meet the challenges" facing France.

Political Implications

The dissolution of the National Assembly is a significant development that could have far-reaching implications for French politics.

New parliamentary elections will likely be held in June, and the results could determine the balance of power between Macron's centrist government and the resurgent far-right.

The election outcome will also have a significant impact on Macron's ability to implement his reform agenda and address the growing public dissatisfaction with his presidency.
